Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dublin Contemporary 2011: Terrible Beauty—Art, Crisis, Change & The Office of Non-Compliance.

The first major international exhibition of contemporary art in Dublin since 1988.
The title and theme of Dublin Contemporary 2011 is Terrible Beauty—Art, Crisis, Change & The Office of Non-Compliance. Taken from William Butler Yeats’ famous poem “Easter, 1916”, the exhibition’s title borrows from the Irish writer’s seminal response to turn-of-the-century political events to site art’s underused potential for commenting symbolically on the world’s societal, cultural and economic triumphs and ills. The second part of the exhibition’s title underscores Dublin Contemporary 2011’s emphasis on art that captures the spirit of the present time, while introducing the exhibition’s chief organizational engine: The Office of Non-Compliance.

I had the opportunity to visit the Exhibition at Earlsfort Terrace and I should mention that the organizers kindly provided a press pass.

As you can see from my photographs I found some aspects of the building to be as interesting as the artwork on display. I have come across some negative comments on the web but everyone that I spoke to while I was there really liked it and it certainly appealed to children. Myself, I really enjoyed my visit.

Please excuse the quality of some of the photographs but as I do not use flash the available light was an ongoing problem for me.

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